Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Events Management Continued...2

We have decided to work in our own groups, which should make it alot easier especially because I thought we worked well on last weeks tasks. The majority of people liked how I allocated the work split (from the people that replied), each group will now focus on their allocated section. I think this should make it more easier to work with now, then we can simply put all three parts together.

Within our group I have suggested we brainstorm what features we want on the page first, then take it from there as too what else we need to put in the proposal, for example implementation etc. Just a case of then splitting up the tasks again, I will recommend the way we did it last week, which was in pairs. Take it as it comes depending on the work load.

Events Management Continued...

A few people have started talking on the discussion board and like the idea of communicating mainly on the there. From the people who have posted threads they agree that the idea of splitting tasks into our original groups will work. I have also suggested the following:

We need to decide probably by the end of today what we are going to do. I suggest the following 3 sections.

* Login/Register Page:
Login feature for existing users, and to be able to register new users. So with basic features such as name, address, dob, email etc. Could be split over two pages.

* Events Booking Page
this will contain some sort of booking features, ie date, event, how many people, type of ticket etc.

* Payments page
obviously credit card stuff, invoice etc..

What does every one think to that? Then we allocate to each group and so on..
My msn is

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Proposal - Event Management - Attend

I thought it would be a good idea to get started on this as soon as possible, with the amount of work that is due in for next week. What I suggested is below, (forum):

Before we decide on who is doing what we need to decide on what has to be done. I don’t know about you guys but that lecture was abit confusing as too what we need to do, how ever I think I understand what is required.
For our part of it, attend event, we need to propose some sort of webpage or system which will allow us to ‘attend’ a future event. For example, a Football match. The site should allow us to

Select the match
Number of tickets
Type of ticket etc.

Once we have decided what features we want, we need to split up the tasks. I suggest we use our current groups and then divide the task individually.

We have to take into account all the financial aspects of it, how long is it going to take, how much etc.

We need to decide on an event and select the features it needs as soon as possible, then we can delegate the tasks. If we use this thread to brainstorm a few ideas at least we will have a starting point.

What does every one think?

For example:

Type of event
Payment methods
Contact info
Help sections

Im not sure if what I have said is correct, hopefully the rest of my group will have some good ideas. Once we have decided on the features and delegated the tasks, it should be ok.

Monday, 29 January 2007

Submission of first deliverables..

We are ready to hand our review and outline of the proposal in today. I think we have worked well together, but issues regarding how we communicate need to improve alot. Especially when not everyone can get access to the discussion board all the time, with other commitments. For the main the proposal, I think we will have to meet together becuase there is alot more work involved and the level of detail will have to be considered.

Saturday, 27 January 2007

Where we are currently...

We have got a few sections left to do, I have noted which they are on the site.
I have asked the rest of my group members to their parts which they have got left and I will put it all together and submit it on monday.

I think we are working well together, and we are on task. Communication tends to vary from day to day but I think this will improve we go along.

Friday, 26 January 2007

Review of Website + Proposal Continued...

I have decided to start the final templates for the review and proposal for other memeber of my group to add too, it will just be a case of submitting it later on.


The discussion board has been very useful especially in communicating with the rest of our group. It has shown that the work can be done, with out physically meeting up, which is an advantage with people having other commitments. It also gives us an indication of how other group members are doing too, which will enable us to resolve any problems any one may encounter.

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Review of Website + Proposal.

After deceding what each person would be doing, the next step was to carry out that part of the review. Myself and Emily had to compare with competing sites. I felt the best way to do this is to bullet point the similarities and differences then derive my recomendations from it for the proposal. I will be comparing my findings with emily's then come to an overall conclusion.

With their being an even number in the group I decided to look at how the site is implemented too. This was slightly trickier to do, especially with the question being rather vague. Looking at the site, it looked like it was poorly implemented but after researching into the company history there were reasons behind this. The had recieved alot of positve publicity regarding what they do and has decided to stick with it.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

First Thoughts...

I think this will deffinately be challenging the way we work but in a good way and give us invaluable experience for the future, especially during our placement next year.

Review of Website:

I suggested we split up into pairs and split the tasks up, posting our final findings on MyBu. With us having an odd number of people, I will be doing two parts of this task.