Friday, 16 February 2007

Cohort Spec...

As a Cohort we have to produce a series of diagrams and models to show our system. I have proposed the following on the discussion board:

As a cohort we need to get these things done, Any volenteers?

Web design – site maps/menu maps – the structure of the website.

Style Guide - colours, fonts, button shapes, text size, page layout etc etc.


Use Case models (with Use case descriptions) can provide information about the functions of the system.

Entity relationship model to help to design the database.

Requirements Catalogue to provide a list of prioritised requirements.

Point B needs to be decided on quickly so that the whole cohort knows how to redesign their features.

We could split this up between the 3 consortiums again, Or have 6 different threads for the points above so everyone can get involved and add their own ideas. What does everyone think?

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