Thursday, 8 March 2007

Systems Integration Project Plan..

I have suggested the following:

Here is the overall plan for the next 3 weeks:

Monday: Sys Int Meeting 11pm? . Discuss targets for the week. Any possible risks/issues. What will be presented at launch.

Tuesday/Wednesday: Support for people who relates to your feature AND support for allocated group. (More to follow).

Thursday: Integrate allocated groups and features that relate to yours.

Friday: Prepare for launch, test all integrated features in order of presentation.

The final maybe slightly different, but we will acess the situation at that time.

We should have daily meetings at the end of each day. What does everyone think to this?

Below is the System Integraters per week:

Week One:

Jason Findlay

Rob Fowler

Ashley Grimsey

Glen Hunt

Hitesh Mistry

Dan Ransom

James Tubb

Adam West

Week 2:

Michael D'Souza

Jason Findlay

Rob Fowler

Ashley Grimsey

Dan Ransom

Phil Trotman

James Tubb

Week 3:

Michael D'Souza

Glen Hunt

Hitesh Mistry

Phil Trotman

Adam West

*Week 3 we are a little short, so the sooner you finish your feature the better it will be.

I will allocate groups to people by the end of today. Again What does everyone think to this?

This way people will have something to do and they will be responsible for their allocated group. I think it will work well like this, however I am open to other suggestions. Today I will be finding out the groups and allocate them to the above people.

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