Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Week Three Day Three..

10am - 12.30:

During this period I was in mainly to provide any support to people who needed it. To be honest this was very minimal because a lot of people were getting on fine.

Cohort Accpetance Testing 4pm:

I did not think this meeting went very well at all. There is still to many changes that need to be made in a very short amount of time, especially in terms of the 11am deadline tommorow. What was good was we identified what needed changing but not how too. A lot of people lost interest and didn't seem to care. A lot of peoples features still contain stupid careless errors which have been sorted before hand.

Shopping Cart Feature:

I just updated my feature slightly to align the grand total.


We definately got a lot done today, but we should be further in the development. There is still a lot of errors which should have been fixed. We should have had a system which is 95% complete, but this is not the case.

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