Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Week Two Day Three..

9am Start:

Shopping Cart Feature:

Yesterday I finished the development of my feature at an individual level. Today I spent the majority of the morning researching on sessions, mainly working along side kieryn annette, Ashley Grimsey and Jason Findlay. We needed help from the lecturers again, but we got it done eventually. Once the sessions got working we started getting the functionality of the feature correct, ie comparing total tickets available in the database with my shopping cart feature. The design of the shopping cart feature has changed slightly but not a lot. Again Dan Ransome has been supporting me all day with the integration side of things. He has been communicating with Richard Gibbons and Farook Naji who have created the new website layout template. Ashley Robbins created my buttons for my feature, which I initally had problems with putting a hyperlink on it.


Another long day (7pm), but my feature is complete even though today started very slowly. Dan Ransom will be putting together all the feature set tommorow morning ready for the demo at 11am. I have told him to call me if there is any problems but there shouldnt be. If the demo goes well, I will be having a meeting with mainly James Tubb and the rest of the managers just to catch up on what I have missed, ie in terms of feature development, ready for me starting week three. I dont know how well every one got on today but I think next week will be very busy, especially to meet the Friday 30th March launch date. Hopefully we can take a lot more positives from the demo which will give us more confidence going into next week.

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