Friday, 16 March 2007

Week One Day Five..

10am Start:

Presentation of Week One Feature Set:

It was evident today that we had made a lot of improvements since the prototype yesterday, but there are still a lot of issues that need to be resolved. A lot of these issues are surrounding the design and mainly the navigation of the proposed system. The database team will be in charge of the navigation side of things from Monday forward, making sure it works correctly.

Project Managers Meeting: 1pm

There were a number of issues that we talked about here which hopefully will resolved starting from next week. This week we have learnt a lot from the mistakes we have made and we need to learn from this in order to move forward. There have been a number of changes, for example week one features to be finished on Monday, as well as the development of week two features will start too. This will give us more time to implement and resolve any errors that may occur. Jennie Bate will be posting deadlines and time constraints which have been agreed upon by everyone who attended the meeting.

Cohort Meeting:

Again a lot of good discussions and ideas were put across regarding the design. How ever each role seems to be working well within itself, but not communicating well with the rest of the course. This will change from Monday, where everyone who wants to have a say can meet up and express their thoughts.

Peer Assessment:

I think this is a good idea and to be honest apart from one or two members I believe everyone in the system integration team should get a fair mark. I think this because the people who have turned up have been here 9-5 at least from Tuesday onwards, ready to provide support for anyone who needs it. I will not be taking into account my role as a leader, but how I have performed in terms of supporting over this cumming week, in which I think I have helped as much as possible, or as much as it is needed.


It is clear that a number of changes need to be made. How ever we are all to blame. The main concern I have is that if people have a good idea they are coming out into the open with it and they feel that we(Managers) are not letting them know what is going on. I don't know how the other groups are managing this, but every meeting that myself and James Tubb go to we have fed back to the rest of the system integration team. Saying that there are minutes of meeting available to everyone, its just a case of more commitment is needed. Come Monday I think we can correct all this and be back on track to a successful SB2.

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