Sunday, 1 April 2007

Week Three Day Five...


These past 9 weeks have been a great learning experience in terms of the role I was playing. I have learnt a lot about Delegation, Time Management, Organisation and Project Management overall. I think the final product was a sucess, as towards the end of the developement the whole cohort pulled together to produce a really good system. We have done things which have worked and things which haven't worked as well. For example using the current version of the system to implement the features on, then merge them together was a good idea, but we only started using this method on the final week. I think if we were better organised in the earlier stages, ie define what the roles actually did and planned earlier, I think this would have made a lot of difference. Once we got into the development stage, it was hard to see the project moving forward. The main reason to this was because we did not have a final list of user requirements - and this kept changing on a daily basis which was not good for the project. Lack of communication was a big issue - some people didn't know what they were doing, but this was down to a number of reasons, ie that person not attending or poor communication with in the specialist groups.

I am looking to go into Project Management in the future which is the main reason why I decided to take the role of a 'manager'. From this project I have gained a lot of confidence and realised that planning and organisation is key to any successful project. There were a lot of hard times, mainly I found hard delegating tasks with in my peers - even though it was not my responibility too. How ever every suggestion I thought of, I did ask for feedback or any other ways of doing it, but this was not the case. A lot of people were moaning about how they did not the get the opportunity too to express their views but they were wrong in some cases. Through out the project I had a lot of help from Jennie Bate, Rob Morrisby, Richard Gibbons, James Tubb and Dan Ransom and as a team I think we worked well together and couldn't have acheieved all this on my own.

Just to conclude, I am hoping I will get a similar opportunity in the future whether it be on placement or at university to put in to practice what I have learnt over the past 9 weeks.

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Week Three Day Four...

10.00 Start:

We presented our system this morning and there was still a lot of inconsistencies which need to be resolved. We have spent the majority of today doing this. A lot of the things that needed doing, should have already been done and we should be further on in the developement of the system.

Peer Assisted Marking:

This was a bit awkward to do, but it will give a good indication of who has done what over the past 8 weeks or so.

Signing off features:

We spent the end of the day getting the changes done and then signed off by myself and the release team. This I think has worked, but a few people still didn't change minor errors. We just have to sort a few navigation issues and we are nearly there.


Overall i think we got achieve a lot today, even though we should have been at this stage a lot sooner. I'm looking forward to tomorow and hopefully it should be a success.

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Week Three Day Three..

10am - 12.30:

During this period I was in mainly to provide any support to people who needed it. To be honest this was very minimal because a lot of people were getting on fine.

Cohort Accpetance Testing 4pm:

I did not think this meeting went very well at all. There is still to many changes that need to be made in a very short amount of time, especially in terms of the 11am deadline tommorow. What was good was we identified what needed changing but not how too. A lot of people lost interest and didn't seem to care. A lot of peoples features still contain stupid careless errors which have been sorted before hand.

Shopping Cart Feature:

I just updated my feature slightly to align the grand total.


We definately got a lot done today, but we should be further in the development. There is still a lot of errors which should have been fixed. We should have had a system which is 95% complete, but this is not the case.

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Week Three Day Two..

10am Start:

Today was the same as yesterday for me, just providing support to who ever needed it. For myself, it wasn't the most productive day for me, but as a cohort we have made a lot more progress in terms of features being completed, I think we are down to a few from week 2 and week 3 to be done and I think that if the people get the support we should be well on task for the deadline of 12pm tomorrow.

Meeting 1.15

In this meeting, along with Daryl Hunter, Ash Grimsey, Jennie Bate and Janice hurn we looked at our current situation of features to give an overview of what is left to do. From this we could see where the potential problems may occur and the risks that might be involved. A lot of the features that were not completed was down to the lack of support, which I think will be sorted tomorrow morning.


After today a lot more features were completed, I think we are nearly half way and the system should really come along tomorrow. It is definitely looking more positive compared to Monday, providing every thing goes OK.

Monday, 26 March 2007

Week Three Day One...

9am Start:

Cohort Meeting:

In here we discussed what the layout of the week should be. I think that this plan was a good idea and it should show the progression of the project. I got everyone to state what week their feature was in and whether it was completed or not. The reason for this is so that I can help those who need support and see whose feature is in for certain deadlines (week 1, 2 or 3).

My role today was mainly to provide support again, but also make sure that every one was getting their features done. People had to come to me once they have done their feature and documentation, so their feature could be signed off. This worked well for the majority of the features, however it wasn't to be at the demo. The whole point of the cut off points was too stop any more changes being made to that feature so that we can focus on the rest of the development. A lot of the features needed to be changed because it was not up to suitable standards, which takes us back to square one. On a positive note, a lot more features were done which is encouraging. There was hardly any support available today from either the system integrators or the web designers because a lot of them were developing their features, but James Atwill did a good job putting the developed features together. We shouldn't have this problem tomorrow with their being more support available from the lecturers.


Although we made some progress, I'm not happy with how it went. Week 1 AND week 2 features should be done and dusted, with exceptions of course but this was not the case. There are still a lot of issues surrounding the final feature set, which that this stage should be final(2 weeks ago).A lot more changes still need to be made, therefore increasing the workload. I also think that more pressure is required too in order for people to complete their features to a acceptable standard.

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Week Two Day Five..

10am Start:

This morning was mostly spent helping the web implementers integrate the features that they had been given ready for the 2pm demo. All the the features that were submitted were on the latest prototype, how ever we are still left with a lot of work to do next week. The burn down chart (cohort meeting) showed that we are not getting the features developed quickly enough. The daily plan that was brought up, I think is a good idea. With this plan it should add pressure to the people who have yet to finish their features but I felt this wasn't the case in the lecture. I also sat down with Richard Gibbons, Dan Ransom and Ashly Grimsey and discussed all the features we thought were complete. I showed this on the site map Chris Wade created earlier in the project. From that I was able to determine that the features that were completed, or nearly completed didn't really provide any dependence. We just need to sign these off as early as possible next week so we can concentrate on week 3 features.

System Integration Meeting 12pm:

A lot of issues were brought up here which need to be focused on next week. The emphasis is on the programmers, and we have introduced week feature cut of points so that the development of the system will go in the right direction. The cut off points I suggested will be week one on Monday, week two, late Monday - Tuesday and week three on Wednesday. Any features that have not been completed will have to be left out, depending on its importance.


Today was mainly for me to catch on the whole project's development, because I have been busy with my feature all week. At the cohort meeting on Monday, I will be asking all the people whose features feel that they are incomplete and then separate them into the 3 weeks. We can then provide support to them in regards to design, integration and web implementation. The emphasis is on them to get it done, and the way we are currently working needs to be changed, as their are still a group of people getting the system up to standard, when it is every ones responsibility. I think it will be hard next week, but every one turns up and shows a bit more commitment and responsibility, I think it should go OK. We will have an idea of this at Monday lunch time. The introduction of the cut of points should put people under pressure a bit.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Week Two Day Four..

9.30am Start:

Today was not really a productive day because our feature set was nearly complete. All we had to do was to fix the errors that we had with putting our features on to the new website design template. Kieryn has currently got one error with this feature, but this can be fixed over the next few days.


Because of all the errors that came up with the integration, we could not show our features on the new design. They seemed to like our feature set, as there wasn't any questions. After the demo, we integrated our feature set with the new design. Richard Gibbons and Dan Ransom is currently putting together the site for tommorow's launch. One thing that needs to be changed is our time management. It was clear that we had made a slight improvement how ever we should be further on in the developement of the whole system. I totally agree with what the lecturers and the completely for the daily plan. This will put people into gear and we should see increased productivity come next week.


As I said, it wasn't really a productive day, but just to tie up loose ends. I didnt get a chance to talk with the other managers about the status of each role but I will be getting in contact with them over today and tommorow to get me up to speed for monday.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Week Two Day Three..

9am Start:

Shopping Cart Feature:

Yesterday I finished the development of my feature at an individual level. Today I spent the majority of the morning researching on sessions, mainly working along side kieryn annette, Ashley Grimsey and Jason Findlay. We needed help from the lecturers again, but we got it done eventually. Once the sessions got working we started getting the functionality of the feature correct, ie comparing total tickets available in the database with my shopping cart feature. The design of the shopping cart feature has changed slightly but not a lot. Again Dan Ransome has been supporting me all day with the integration side of things. He has been communicating with Richard Gibbons and Farook Naji who have created the new website layout template. Ashley Robbins created my buttons for my feature, which I initally had problems with putting a hyperlink on it.


Another long day (7pm), but my feature is complete even though today started very slowly. Dan Ransom will be putting together all the feature set tommorow morning ready for the demo at 11am. I have told him to call me if there is any problems but there shouldnt be. If the demo goes well, I will be having a meeting with mainly James Tubb and the rest of the managers just to catch up on what I have missed, ie in terms of feature development, ready for me starting week three. I dont know how well every one got on today but I think next week will be very busy, especially to meet the Friday 30th March launch date. Hopefully we can take a lot more positives from the demo which will give us more confidence going into next week.

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Week Two Day Two..

9am Start:

View Shopping Cart Feature:

Today I concentrated all my efforts towards my feature alone. I initially got it working so that it retrieved it from a database but found out that this was not the best way of doing it. I have redone it using sessions and have done all I can because the sessions are not up and running yet. I will be helping Ashley Grimsey tomorrow getting this session fixed because a lot of features depend on it. I had a lot of people help me with me feature today, Dan Ransom provided support all day as well as the following people: Adam West, Rob Morrisby, Jennie Bate, Simon Collen, Chris Haines and the lecturers of course. Even though I had to change the design of my feature the support was greatly appreciated. This meant that my feature was a lot more easier to develop, but cannot progress further until the session problem is fixed.


I think if we can get the sessions sorted tomorrow as soon as possible it will bring every ones features together. We have all just got to keep together and keep working at it. Personally I feel the last two days have been a waste, but I think this will change tomorrow. Once my feature is completed I will be helping out with the weekly coordinators (Dan and James) help them with any problems they may have. So far out of this project,the last couple of days have been the hardest and hopefully it will ease of from now, if not just got to keep at it.

Monday, 19 March 2007

Week Two Day One..

9am Start

First thing we did today was get together in our feature set. Because a lot of our features depend on other to work, we thought it would be best to support the first the development of the first feature and so on. Up to 11, I was helping Jennie start her feature. A lot of this was just researching on the Internet.

Project Managers Meeting 11am:

This meeting was not as long as the others because I think we have just got to get on with it. Apart from setting the overview of the week, we decided that programming should start on Monday and that we have daily Cohort Meetings to allow everyone to input their ideas if any.

Systems Integration Meeting 12.30:

The weekly coordinators role was switched to Dan Ransome and Phil Trotman this week because I am developing my feature. We discussed what was expected of us this week again and that we will all have to work harder because there is more features to be developed as well as finishing off last weeks feature set.

Cohort Meeting 4pm:

This was not a bad turn out but there were only a few issues resolved. We all decided on the logo and the marketing side of things, but there seem to be still lack of input. We still have yet to decide on the design of the buttons and the template for the site which was disappointing.

View Cart Feature:

Because my feature depends on 5 other features it was very hard to start this. I basically read up around the topic, using my php book and the Internet. In terms of creating a starting prototype, I think Ive done enough for my feature to work individually but in order to test it correctly I need the information from the other features. Dan Ransome was supporting me all day, which was really helpful. The main problem I have is trying to work out the total price. I could seem to pass the variables from the drop down menu. Hopefully tomorrow the features that link to mine will be done and there should be support available from the lecturers too.


I don't think today was very productive, but we have to keep on going. I am annoyed that we didn't get the final design sorted, but I'm sure that will be soon. It is hard to say the progress of my feature at this time, but should have a better view of it tomorrow. Because of my involvement with the whole project last week Im finding it hard just to concenrate on my feature alone. Hopefully it won't affect the final outcome of my feature.

Friday, 16 March 2007

Systems Integration...

I have posted the following on the discussion boards. Just to let everyone know what is going to happen next week and give them feedback on how well we have worked too. Hopefully it will give them a confidence boost in what they are currently doing.

Hey Guys

From next week I will be programming my feature, so the week cordinator role will be passed on to Dan Ransom, Phil Trotman etc. I will try to keep in touch as much of possible, but i will need to concentrate on my feature. It will be there job to make sure that the features are completed that week and address any problems that may occur.

Supporting Role.

We will allocate groups to people at the meeting on monday because of all the changes. Ie with some people from week one needing to finish their feature.

Although this week didnt really turn out as expected, i think we have worked well together within our system integration team and can depend on each if needed. Just need to stick at it and keep it up, how ever I dont think we will be putting the hours in next week like we did this week.

If any one has got any problems, let me know


Week One Day Five..

10am Start:

Presentation of Week One Feature Set:

It was evident today that we had made a lot of improvements since the prototype yesterday, but there are still a lot of issues that need to be resolved. A lot of these issues are surrounding the design and mainly the navigation of the proposed system. The database team will be in charge of the navigation side of things from Monday forward, making sure it works correctly.

Project Managers Meeting: 1pm

There were a number of issues that we talked about here which hopefully will resolved starting from next week. This week we have learnt a lot from the mistakes we have made and we need to learn from this in order to move forward. There have been a number of changes, for example week one features to be finished on Monday, as well as the development of week two features will start too. This will give us more time to implement and resolve any errors that may occur. Jennie Bate will be posting deadlines and time constraints which have been agreed upon by everyone who attended the meeting.

Cohort Meeting:

Again a lot of good discussions and ideas were put across regarding the design. How ever each role seems to be working well within itself, but not communicating well with the rest of the course. This will change from Monday, where everyone who wants to have a say can meet up and express their thoughts.

Peer Assessment:

I think this is a good idea and to be honest apart from one or two members I believe everyone in the system integration team should get a fair mark. I think this because the people who have turned up have been here 9-5 at least from Tuesday onwards, ready to provide support for anyone who needs it. I will not be taking into account my role as a leader, but how I have performed in terms of supporting over this cumming week, in which I think I have helped as much as possible, or as much as it is needed.


It is clear that a number of changes need to be made. How ever we are all to blame. The main concern I have is that if people have a good idea they are coming out into the open with it and they feel that we(Managers) are not letting them know what is going on. I don't know how the other groups are managing this, but every meeting that myself and James Tubb go to we have fed back to the rest of the system integration team. Saying that there are minutes of meeting available to everyone, its just a case of more commitment is needed. Come Monday I think we can correct all this and be back on track to a successful SB2.

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Week One Day Four...

Thursday 15th March

9.30 Start.

The first thing I did today was help set up the features for the website design team so that they can format a few bits of the site ready for the 11am demonstration. The demonstration did not go well at all, especially when a few of the presenters were not there. There were a lot of issues surrounding the version we had produced and simply was not ready to go out live on to the Internet come Friday at 12.00. After the presentation I organised the whole cohort based around the groups of features. I made sure that there was a member from each role (Systems Int, Website Design and Design) to support that group of feature by speaking to the role managers who then allocated it accordingly. They all had a copy of the prototype in which they can develop their feature on to. This is the format we will be using starting next week and I believe it has worked very well today. Today I was mainly supporting Simon Collen (Register help feature). He was getting along fine and to be honest he did a lot of the work on his own, I put my suggestions in when they were needed. I was with him through out today until his feature was done to a suitable standard. Today I was mainly checking on the progress of how the groups were working together and making sure everyone was on task. Today we learnt another valuable lesson which we should not come across again next week. However we have all worked well as a team (from those who turned up) and it is all something we should be positive about. It was coming up to 6 when I left for today and Richard Gibbons was near completion of the website integration process. I am fairly confident that we have turned around the disaster from this morning ready for the launch tomorrow.

Email Notification Issue:

As well as that there were some issues surrounding Jennie Bate’s email. A few people thought it was unfair. I and Jennie went round and discussed this with the people that were there; who thought the email was a bit harsh. How ever I totally agree with what Jennie said and a lot of people though that myself and Jennie were being a bit ‘bossy’, but we have resolved this and are open for anyone to come and talk to us. I think what myself and Jennie has done so far has worked and we are always open to suggestions if people are willing to give the input, which seems to be a lack of at the moment.

System Integration:

There have been a number of issues surrounding our roles and we had a meeting today to discuss this. I posted my suggestions earlier this morning and everyone in our team agreed that this is the method we should take. Later on today we came to a decision with the website design team that we will both integrate the site in future, which we will be further discussing tomorrow.


Again the day started poorly, but I think we have worked hard today as a cohort to turn this around. There are a few minor tweaks but we should be able to resolve this come next week. I would definitely say that the positives outlay the negatives today which have given me a huge confidence boost in terms of the success of the project.

System Int/Website Design/Design Issues

I have suggested the following for the plan for next week, Deadlines are yet to be finalised.

Yesterday seemed like a huge waste of time for most of us and a lot of lessons were learned so we need to decide either today or tomorrow on how to best use our time next week and set boundaries between us and the programmers.

From next week (Monday) I suggest the following:

All Programmers that week start on Monday

I have already allocated Systems Integration Members to groups of people for next week, these groups can stay the same. Each System Int Member is to have a copy of the whole system (Latest version created on Friday 15th March). As well as providing support, we will be making sure that any errors that come along with some ones feature, that the programmer alone try and fix with our help. It will be their responsibility to make sure that their feature fits in with the surrounding features and system. I have allocated the programming groups so that this can be possible, and there should be no reason why programmers should be working on their own and not in their allocated group. Once their feature has been done we then have to help them test.

We can have 3 stages of testing:

* initial stage - feature on its own

* 2nd stage - feature combined with copy of system and other features

* Final stage - features combined with latest version of system and interacts with all the surrounding features.

We have to make sure that when we test, we have the programmer there with us at all 3 testing stages. This is so that THEY can fix their errors on their own.

In addition to the support from Sys Int, I am going to propose at the managers meeting tomorrow that there some one from the design and website design team with the latest designs and logos etc. This is so that the group of features will be consistent and when we integrate it all together it should be easier.

Finally, Once all the features work and so on, the System Integrators will be merging all the features together, if all the above is done correctly, it should be easy and we shouldn't be making the same mistakes as yesterday

A copy of the system will be made to Sys Int on Monday which will need to be copied to the programmers H: drive, How ever depending on the size of the programming group allocation, I would suggest an alternative method there and then.

What does everyone think? We need to start working as soon as we can from Monday next week and Full Commitment is requirement from everyone, or this is not going to work

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Week One Day Three..

Wednesday 14th March 2007:

9 am Start:

Systems Integration Meeting 9am:

After a very promising start yesterday I decided to produce targets which were realistic at the time for the system integration team today. These targets included:

Version 1.0 system (prototype) to be created by 12. This would show the current status of the features

Between the two versions, we would get the developer to complete their test plan and note any changes to their design too.

Version 1.1 system (prototype) to be created by 3pm. This would include all the features for week one to be fully functional, ready for the demo tomorrow..

And finally to pass on version 1.1 to the website design team to develop the layout etc.

As soon as all the integration team got to the university (9am Start) we had problems straight away which would affect how the day went, unfortunately in negative terms. The main problem was that there were a lot of the first week programmers missing, which meant that we could not create prototype 1.0 because we were missing their feature. This affected our progress for today as we just about collected every ones feature just after 12. I think another thing we did is under estimated our role which was brought up in the meeting at 4pm. Adam West was doing all the integration, ie putting all week ones features together and we realised that he shouldn't have had to do the amount of work he had done. All the problems that came up for certain features he resolved with out the developer being present (the developer went home once the thought their work was done) apart from a few people. Rob Morrisby actually helped make sure his feature worked in the prototype which is what everyone else should have done. By the the time Adam had done the prototype it was coming up to 5 o'clock and the website design team still needed to implement their designs too it.

At the systems integration meeting a lot of issues came up which we need to resolve asap. We need to define the role of system integration and website design and sort out a plan starting from next week. This will be decided at the managers meeting on Friday. I propose that how I allocated a group of integrators to a group of features, this method should be used for the design and website design team as well. That way all the features will work and look consistent too. We will be stressing that their needs more involvement from the developer and its their responsibility alone to make sure that their feature works.

Current Richard Gibbons is trying to add the template to the current prototype but it is hard to see what the final thing will look like, with the demo fast approaching at 11am tomorrow:


I think today was a huge set back for this project and we are all to blame. There is no point pointing fingers however I think we have learned a lot of lessons today. Hopefully the demos will go OK tomorrow. On Friday we will have to set some ground rules and re-plan how we are going to approach next week. On a positive note I felt that it has been a good experience for me so far and we can only learn and improve from this only how ever, if all of us gives input.

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Week One Day Two...

Tuesday 13th March:

9am Start

Today was the first day of our development of our features. It was a very productive day and we believe we achieved a lot mainly with the majority of week ones features nearly complete. My role for this week, along with James Tubb will be to make sure that all the features all completed and that we have something ready to present at the launch on Friday.

Supporting Role:

As part of the System Integration team, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays we are to provide support to the programmers. Today i was providing support to a number of people as well as the people allocated to me. I was helping Simon Collen and Luke Fribbens develop their feature. To be honest they did not have that much difficulty in creating their feature and they are well on task. However I was providing Simon with more help because his feature was slightly more difficult. As the day went on our system integration team met up to discuss our progress which was easier than meeting up in a room. Simon and Luke's feature were pretty much done by the afternoon so i helped other people if they needed it.

Systems Integration Meeting:

There were a number of topics discussed and a lot of things came up. It gave us an overview of where everyone is at with their features. In addition we agreed that as well as supporting, we will note down any changes and help complete their test plan they submitted earlier. Dan Ransom will be updating the current document as to the new requirements. Also Ashley Grimsey will be creating a new feature list and making sure everyone has a good enough feature to do. At the start of the day i suggested that we create a prototype of all the features that had been developed today except that we did not get time to do it. This will be done first thing tomorrow morning, but will be done at the end of the day after today. The prototype will show where all the features fit in and give us an overview of the system.
Once we have a final finished working prototype (Wed Night), we will then pass that on to the web design team who will include CSS etc to it. Then we will be setting up the PowerPoint presentation on Thursday and Friday for week one programmers to present.

The minutes for the meeting are below:

Systems Integrators Meeting Minutes

Date: 13 March 07
Time: 16:00
Where: P309

Absent: Rob Fowler


- Resolve issues with certain individuals that are still without a feature

- Ash Grimsey is now in charge of the features list co-ordination. He will create a list of features, and the completed features will be crossed off on completion so we know what’s been completed and what hasn’t. This will also show what features are currently without a programmer to help allocate features to the few individuals left without features. This is to be pinned on the notice board on the 3rd floor.

- Dan Ransom is in charge of the documentation and will amalgamate the programmers completed test plans at the end of the week.

- The entirety of week 1’s features should be gathered tomorrow morning, regardless of state. So get the programmers code (who you are specifically allocated too) tomorrow morning so we can combine all the features for a working prototype.

- Signing in sheet is now pinned on the notice board on floor 3! Don’t forget to sign!

- If a feature needs to be changed if there are problems integrating a feature for whatever reason, go back to the programmer of that feature and help them resolve the issue.

- We need to track what changes have been made to certain features, ensure programmers aren’t now taking on multiple features, we must be strict and limit this from happening. The creation of the original feature is most important.

- Once the features have been bridged we will hand the system over to the Web team so they can implement the CSS

- Systems Integrator meeting tomorrow morning in P230 at 9:00 am. Make sure you attend.


I met up with Dan Ransom after the system integration meeting to discuss a possible layout for the documentation. He will be taking over my existing role of putting the documentation together. It will have a number of sections which are to be completed weekly. The sections are split into weeks, which will include the original designs to the features including a completed test plan and states if any changes were made.

Overview of Today:

I think today was very productive. It seemed like at times that we were not doing a lot however this will be evident in terms of the prototype we will be producing tomorrow. I think we are working well with this system integration team which makes it easier for all of us. Communication will be a important factor as we have seen today.

Monday, 12 March 2007

Week One Day One.....

Monday 12th March 2007

Project Managers Meeting:

This was our first meeting and I think it went well. Everyone got an overview of where each of the roles is currently at. Also we identified how we will be organising and prioristing over the next 3 weeks. We talked about possible risks which will be resolved at the time they will be identified. Overall it is looking good and we should have a clear indication of where we are at by the end of each day.

For the presentations, people will be presenting their own features for that week.
Below is the minutes for the meeting:

Project Managers Meeting

Date/Time: 11am 12.03.2007


Chris Wade

• Everyone to come and sign in at 9am
• Mondays is the exception
• Programming support is available from staff members through out the week.

• £120 funded from University
• Design/Logo to be created by the end of today from the design team.
• URL = should be available by the end of the week.
• Targets
o Radio Advertising
o Template Advertising

Systems Integration
• Provide support on Tuesdays and wednedays
• Meetings with web development team on Thursday to discuss integration methods.

• Creating database using MySql
• Full database to be finished by end of today
• Support will be provided to people who need access to the database on both Tuesday and Wednesday
• Targets:
o Password Encryption to be completed before the end of Thursday

• Template and logos to be created by the end of today
• Support will be allocated to people with templates and logos for their features

Website Design:
• They are allocating people according to section
o Site Navigation
o Directory of website images
o Css Style Sheet
• Ensure communication with the System Integration Team

Risk Assessment:

This will be caluculated on a daily basis. Any solutions will be derived there and then.


Janice is currently finding out if this is necessary, we will have an update shortly.

Systems Integration Meeting 12.30


Rob Fowler

This was hosted by myself and James Tubb. We basically gave an outline to the rest of the team what is required over the next few weeks which will mainly be a supporting role. Everyone is ok with their group allocations for supporting too. I explained the site map and how it works which went well. It gave everyone an overview picture of where we will be at by the end of each week. This is up on the notice board near Janice's office for every one to view it if needed to. We also outlined what they should be doing each day from now upto the end of the project and that a 9am start is a must. There were a few issues regarding supporting other people which was resolved by moving people around. We stressed that it is important to understand what each feature does (allocated ones only) in order to gain a better understanding of where it all fits in the system. This will be easier for us then as we go along and when we come to intergration. Finally we will be meeting daily to dicuss what we have done for the day and resolve any issues.

I think today went really well. I got a better understanding of where everyone is at and the project is now looking more organised.

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Site Map/Meeting Agendas..

Today I printed out a few copies of the site map on to A3 Paper. For the systems integration role I circled all the features that would take place in week 1, 2 and 3. Week 2 would contain week 1s feature as well and week 3 should contain all 3 weeks in total for a complete system. There seems to be a few gaps on week 3 we need to be resolved at Monday's meeting. In some cases the feature name has not been clearly stated which should be straight forward to change, however there are a few features on the site map without a name to it. I think as system integrators it will be our job to fill that gap however only if some one else has not offered to do the feature first. On a positive note the final week site map looks just about complete and if every thing goes to plan we should have a complete system. The site maps (System Int) will be displayed mainly for the system integration team, outside Janice's office. This will give an outline of who is supporting what and what features are taking place that week.

I have composed rough agenda meetings for project managers and system integrators below. Obviously this is not final, so people can add other topics to discuss too.

Project Managers Meeting Agenda:


Each Launch

Week One/Week Two/Week Three:




Website Design

System Int

Risk Assessment

Any Other Business

Systems Integration Meeting Agenda:


What is Required.

Plan for next 3 weeks.

Week One/Week Two/Week Three:

Site Map – Notice Board

Features Support


Missing Features –Temporary Links

Targets Each Week, What each launch will show.

Risk Assessment.


Who You Supported

What you did


Any Other Business

Friday, 9 March 2007

Project Managers Meeting/ Lecture...

A lot of points were resolved regarding certain features and so fourth today which was good. In terms of the availability of people will be decided within our roles which is easier I think. We also talked about the possible risks and people we need to keep our eye on through out the project.

At the lecture it was decided that Marketing had too many people in its group. Those extra people have been moved into Systems Integration. I will be giving them a basic role in the project just in case their attendance does vary in which it will not matter too much then. But then that is down to them.

Systems Integration...Weekly Coordinators..

We met today for the first time and discussed what we will be doing for the next 3 weeks. We allocated additional roles, for example weekly coordinators and decided on dates and times for the meetings. I also stated how we will be running our role over the next 3 weeks and every member that attended the meeting was happy with my approach. Our meetings for the week will be on Monday at 12.30 and we will have daily meetings. The time will be decided there and then. At the meeting on Monday I will be using the site map to show which features we need to link together and what gaps we need to resolve just to show what is required and where we should be by the end of the week.

Here is the post of the Week Coorindators:

Weekly Coordinators:

The people below have been allocated to each week and will be responsible for those weeks’ features. They will be making sure that all the features are done and work together. In addition to that they will create any temporary links to link all the features for that week together ready for that weeks launch.

Week One:

Hitesh Mistry

James Tubb

Week Two:

Phill Trotman

Dan Ransom

James Tubb

Week Three:

Hitesh Mistry

Adam West

Glen Hunt


As well as the above roles they will still be providing support as allocated previously.

If you have any problems with your feature please get in touch with the above people depending on what week you are programming.

By giving the extra responsibilities it will motivate them to try and do the best they can and it will also split the work load up.

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Presentations + Other Stuff..

There were a few absences from our demonstration of our features today however myself Jennie did a good job of it. It is clearer now where every thing fits in too.

Today I went around and created programming groups for each week. I created the groups so that people whose features link together will be able to provide each other with support. From that list of groups I have allocated people from Systems Integration to them to provide support and any other issues.

I think by doing this it will help us manage the next few weeks easier and give an idea of where everyone is at.

Also I will be producing our site map on to A3/A2 size paper to show each week in terms of features being developed. It will also allow us(System Integration Team) to create any temporary links in order for each of the launches to be successful. This will be accessed every Monday in our meetings.


Today we will be presenting our features in groups. These groups will contain features that direcetly link with each other. I think this should be the same when we do our programming. Maybe allocate each group a room to work in. If we can keep all the features grouped together it maybe easier that way. This will make it easier for the system integration team. One week will consist of many groups (3 or 4). I will find out that today.

Progect Plan...

I have suggested the following:

By the end of the week I will have got the site map enlarged on to A2 so that we can see the overall progress of each week and resolve any problems. It will enable is to visually see where we are at.

I suggest we have daily meetings(end of day) to discuss what we have achieved. This will monitor our progress.Im trying to find a room where we can meet in the same place over the next 3 weeks.

The meeting on monday should be first thing. Any ideas what sort of time? We should talk about:

Overall Targets

Targets for each roles (Daily & Weekly)



Hopefully by doing this it will make it easier for us to manage. How ever we need at least one person from each role to attend if not everyone or this is not going to work. What does everyone think?

By doing this it should help us keep on track of everything and everyone an indication of the current progress from each role.

Systems Integration Project Plan..

I have suggested the following:

Here is the overall plan for the next 3 weeks:

Monday: Sys Int Meeting 11pm? . Discuss targets for the week. Any possible risks/issues. What will be presented at launch.

Tuesday/Wednesday: Support for people who relates to your feature AND support for allocated group. (More to follow).

Thursday: Integrate allocated groups and features that relate to yours.

Friday: Prepare for launch, test all integrated features in order of presentation.

The final maybe slightly different, but we will acess the situation at that time.

We should have daily meetings at the end of each day. What does everyone think to this?

Below is the System Integraters per week:

Week One:

Jason Findlay

Rob Fowler

Ashley Grimsey

Glen Hunt

Hitesh Mistry

Dan Ransom

James Tubb

Adam West

Week 2:

Michael D'Souza

Jason Findlay

Rob Fowler

Ashley Grimsey

Dan Ransom

Phil Trotman

James Tubb

Week 3:

Michael D'Souza

Glen Hunt

Hitesh Mistry

Phil Trotman

Adam West

*Week 3 we are a little short, so the sooner you finish your feature the better it will be.

I will allocate groups to people by the end of today. Again What does everyone think to this?

This way people will have something to do and they will be responsible for their allocated group. I think it will work well like this, however I am open to other suggestions. Today I will be finding out the groups and allocate them to the above people.

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Programming Over the next 3 weeks...

I have suggested the following:

Over the next 3 weeks in programming terms I suggest the following:

* When you are programming your feature during your allocated week, I suggest that you pair up or get in small groups of people that link up with your feature. This will make it easier to test your feature the future and in some cases your feature may not work with out some one Else's feature.

* As to providing support it works the same way, I think it will be more helpful to help the people who are linked with your feature.

Obviously you will have to work in your allocated roles too and sort out when you will be doing this in each of your groups. This will become more clearer over the next week or so.

By doing the above it will help us test and integrate the whole system and we can do it as we go along. Hopefully towards the end of the project we can implement groups of features rather than every single feature individually which will take longer to do.

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Current Update..

Today was really productive in that we have now got a finalised version of the project plan and everyone has signed up to a role. We also got the final documentation in with all the necessary changes made.

Now we have to look at planning that needs to be done under each role. For systems integration I think maybe we should allocate a group of features to people for them to implement. We are currently discussing this on the forum.

In order to manage the project better i think we(Project Managers) need to decide on how often we should have meetings. I think we should make a large copy of the site map and put it in one of the labs and tick off the features once they have been implemented. At least it will give us an idea of where everyone is at and where people need help. Jennie suggested we should have daily scrum meetings which maybe a good idea.

overall I think the project is going in the write direction and with a lot of input from people it should get easier to manage, but I'm up to the challenge!

Monday, 5 March 2007

Update of FS...

Myself and Rob Morrisby spoke to Janice hurn today regarding issues surroundnig the whole project. There are a number of people who have yet to submit their feature thats why a deadline of 5pm was set today. I think alot of people of responded to this well and it should be easier for me to put the final thing together on tuesday. Any one who doesn't submit their work will simply lose marks.

Update of FS...

Myself and Rob Morrisby spoke to Janice hurn today regarding issues surroundnig the whole project. There are a number of people who have yet to submit their feature thats why a deadline of 5pm was set today. I think alot of people of responded to this well and it should be easier for me to put the final thing together on tuesday. Any one who doesn't submit their work will simply lose marks.

Sunday, 4 March 2007

Feature Prototype..

I have created a feature prototype using dream weaver. This didn't take very long to do and it maybe a good idea to use this for our presentations on Thursday. Especially if we are showing a group of features.

Feature Template...

I created a template on Friday for the layout of the final functional and design specification report. It will be hard getting people to redo their feature on time, and also in the correct order too. So far out of the features I have received I have had to change it around a bit even though it is not my job too. The main reason of this I think it is that a lot of people are not looking at the discussion boards and the fact that we have got other assignments on at the moment. The whole cohort needs to start looking at the discussion boards on a daily basis or it will affect the projects success.

Friday, 2 March 2007

Current Update of SB2

After the meeting today we had to clarify a few issues. Jennie Bate created a form for everyone to fill in regarding their feature. This will help us put the final document together and also we used this to create our site map from, which chris has posted on the forum. Also between myself, Rob, Piero, Gary Coombes, Jennie and Chris we have decided on who should be the project managers and leaders of the corresponding sections. The project managers role will basically see through the whole project making sure that every thing is going according to plan. We have also had to change when everyone would program their feature too, to allow time to put the whole system together in the final week. Finally we allocated people to roles if they haven't already signed up to one. If there are any issues regarding this they should let us know.

The project is looking more on task and more organised, How ever there maybe issues with what we have done today and they will be resolved as we come to them.

I have also created a template which contains all the headings every ones individual feature should include, hopefully people will adjust their feature asap so i can put the final document together again during the week.

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Proceed to Payment Feature...3 - 'View Cart' + Other issues

After the demonstrations today I will have to change my feature slightly. The way it works is fine, I need to change it to 'view cart' feature. This will show all the events the user is looking to go to with the option of add or removing more events. As before this will link to the payments page(Group 7). The design of the button will change slightly too, I have yet to decide on this.

Also there have been a few issues concerning people not having features. Dan Beer who was meant to be designing the home page is going on holiday for part of the first of week of the SB activity. Ali Malik had problems finding a feature, and after speaking to both of them Ali will head up this role. I posted a thread to get him started, hopefully everyone will let him know what needs to be on the home page.

Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Payment Feature PHP Script...

Here's an example of my php code which I will be using as the basis for my final feature later on in the project:

Enter Your Name:

Event Name:


Enter Price:

Testing Feature...

I have started thinking of tests for my feature. I have posted my version on the discussion board to get more ideas from the other group members.

Test Number
Feature/Test Description
Test Data
Expected Outcome
Actual Outcome
Additional Steps Taken
Payment Button
Other Features on the page. To Test to see if information is carried across to payments page.
All the information collected from the other features should be transferred across to the payments page.

Payment Button
Hyperlink to payment page
Should open the payment page.

Test Number
Feature/Test Description
Test Data
Expected Outcome
Actual Outcome
Additional Steps Taken
Payment Button
Other Features on the page. To Test to see if information is carried across to payments page.
All the information collected from the other features should be transferred across to the payments page.

Payment Button
Hyperlink to payment page
Should open the payment page.

To see the tabled layout, see the discussion forum.

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Draft Features Spec + Other Issues

Myself, Richard Gibbons and Rob Morrisby are currently putting together the draft copy of the document. It is going OK, however there are certain issues that have crept up. For example people who have not got a feature need allocating one. We have resolved this by splitting up the features, after we have talked with the people it affects. Maybe for the future it might be handy for everyone to know the format, IE text etc for the final copy so that it makes putting together a lot easier. From the lecture today, we also need to add a project plan and testing. I think this can be a separate section on to the current proposal, composing of a few tests for every ones feature. I will be suggesting this on the forum, so that we can implement this for the final copy.

We need to create a project plan composing of who needs to be doing what during the next 3 weeks. I have created a template, and so far everyone has signed up to it. The project plan should be complete within the next couple of days. Included on that same thread is a list of all the features and allocated rooms, which Jennie Bate will be matching names with the features shortly.

I will be creating a separating Testing thread, which could work in the same way as with the feature documentation, it should be straight forward then.

For my demo on Thursday, I have produced a prototype of how my feature may work, it should be enough for me to get feedback on and shows how it interacts with other features.

One final note is that a lot of the people have not resubmitted their improved feature so we have decided to just submit the one they submitted originally. I have posted a lot of threads on the discussion forum, the majority of people replied how ever a few didn't.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Systems Integration...

I will be creating a new thread, with these questions that need to be considered:

What Hardware do we need?
What Software?
How long will it take?
What facilities are available?

The above questions are just a starting point, but we need suitable ideas for the demonstration next week.

Proceed to Payment Feature...2

With every ones feature may only require a certain amount of coding, it is still important to decide on how to do it and also how it will link with the other features for the system. My designs have stated that it will gather all the information collected by the features on the same web page as mine and pass it on to the payment section.

In terms of the demo next week, I may just decide to talk through what I will want to achieve with my feature, rather than just demonstrating pushing the button. As well as the link to the payments page, there will be a lot of php coding which will include the use of sessions and other functions available.

Current Update of SB2

With our last meeting held on Tuesday. SB2 has taken another major turning point. The way we have to work and meet deadlines has changed considerably. As well the design and implementation of our individual features, we now have to consider other roles to take on in order to make this project a success. This roles will include Design of the database, IE layout, Systems Integration, Database Structure, Testing and Marketing and Finance.

I will be helping to get our cohort's final proposal put together in the next week, as a representative for Consortium B. In terms of the new roles I will be part of the group that helps with the System Integration.

For the demonstration next week, we need to decide on what we want to achieve at that stage of the product, again this will need to be discussed on the discussion boards first. Also I presenting my feature to which is the proceed to payment button.

Friday, 16 February 2007

Cohort Spec...

As a Cohort we have to produce a series of diagrams and models to show our system. I have proposed the following on the discussion board:

As a cohort we need to get these things done, Any volenteers?

Web design – site maps/menu maps – the structure of the website.

Style Guide - colours, fonts, button shapes, text size, page layout etc etc.


Use Case models (with Use case descriptions) can provide information about the functions of the system.

Entity relationship model to help to design the database.

Requirements Catalogue to provide a list of prioritised requirements.

Point B needs to be decided on quickly so that the whole cohort knows how to redesign their features.

We could split this up between the 3 consortiums again, Or have 6 different threads for the points above so everyone can get involved and add their own ideas. What does everyone think?

Features Revised...

I have redone my features according to the guidelines. The image is the same, however I have made changes too.

Justification of Design:

The above design of the button should be in relation to the overall web systems theme. The size of the button should be noticeable and users should be able to identify what the function of the button is by reading the text on the button. The above design may change slightly depending on the final decided layout as a cohort which is yet to be decided.

Functionality/Interaction with other Features:

To store all the information entered or selected in the following fields:

Customer ID
Event ID/Name
Type of Ticket
Price of Ticket
Date of Event.

Once the “check out” button is pressed it will save the above information so that it can be calculated on the payments page. It can be designed so that once the button is pressed it calculates the total straight away, or it can just transfer the information on to the Payments page.

This button’s main function is too collect all the information from the following features which are on the same page, they include:

Search Criteria
Quantity of Tickets

Those features will contain information regarding the event name, time, price of ticket and quantity of tickets. This information is vital, as it is needed for the next page.


I would use xhtml and PHP to implement the design of this feature. PHP can be useful with its Session and Cookies feature too, for example so that it can remember existing users. A database created using SQL can be used to store the information entered into the fields. The button could also be used as a validation tool, for example it cannot proceed unless all the required fields are filled in.

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Functional Specification/Outline Design...3

After clarifying what needed to be done for Wednesday 28th March, I have suggested the following on the discussion board:

From what melanie said this morning, what we have currently produced is fine. Just need to make sure that our names are on there. In addition we need some sort of working prototype and I suggest that we create a html page(s) (for each group) of our features on there. The functionality will be limited but we can do simple things like linking the pages together.
I know alot of people will not be here next week, but I was thinking that if we can meet and create the html site, and maybe a few of us do the demonstrations next week, it will take the pressure of the next demo on Thrs 1st March.
Then overall as a consortium we can create use case diagrams and site maps to show how everything fits in.
What does everyone think?

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Functional Specification/Outline Design...2

I have posted the following, with a basic use case diagram.

Yea it looks like the login only. The logout feature is somthing everyone can use on their page once the user has logged in. Also we need to decide on how the site is going to work. For example is the user going to log in first, then decide on which section to go to, for example is he or she going to make an event, record an event or attend an event? Are we going to have a home page which will link to the login page but also show the current events along with any advertising features?
I think how the features are split up are ok and we can decided in our individual consortiums as to who is doing what. I think consortium A should do the login feature, but now we could have an extra home page feature too.
Enclosed in this thread is a basically use case and site navigation diagram. What does everyone think?

The use diagram is on the discussion forum, because i can not upload it on here.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Functional Specification/Outline Design...

I will be suggesting the following for this part of the project:

From that lecture it seems that there are a few features that have been repeated and need resolving. I propose the following:

Each group (1-7) has a Rep. the Rep can then collect all the designs for their group.

Also maybe a consortium rep too, this might not be needed however it will split up the workload. This person can be in charge of collecting all the designs for all the 3 groups. Depending on how each consortium has delegated the features, this may not be necessary.

Then we need a few people or person to put the final document together. Any volunteers?

Once we have decided on the above, each group needs to submit their features that they have just handed in so we can see where the duplicates are, and then re-organise to see who does what. If we can split up each section by consortium, then by group as we previously did.

So we need to decide as a whole, what features we have got and then take it from there. I think it is important we decide on group/consortium reps so everyone knows who to submit their work too and so that there is not any duplicates.

As a starting point we can use this thread to let everyone know who the reps are, and to post the features.

Obviously what I have suggested is not the only way, what are other people’s suggestions?

Functional Specification/Outline Design for system

I am not sure what we need to do for this, but if you think about it we have got 2 weeks to do it.

We have to create a mind map, if we split this up into 3 parts, Make, Attend and Record Event. I suggest that the 3 group reps together do this, as they will have an overview of who has done what.

The draft for the functional and outline design part I think is a more detailed approach to what we have done. For example as well as what it will look like, but maybe some example code and how it will all fit together.

A draft is in by Monday, so it does not have to be complete. Again any suggestions?

I think the above is possible, once we are properly organised. However I think we need to use our time a lot better instead of leaving it until the last minute.

Sunday, 11 February 2007

Features Continued...3

We are all on task with only a couple of group members left to do their designs. This week has not been too bad once the tasks were split up. I think as a group we all have a good idea as what we need on our section.

I have decided to put all our groups work together again and for the consortium depending on where the other two groups are at.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Proceed to Payment Feature...

I have come up with the following for the proceed to payment feature.


The colour or theme of the button is yet to be decided and is not important at this stage of the development.


To store all the information entered or selected in the following fields:

Customer ID
Event ID/Name
Type of Ticket
Price of Ticket
Date of Event.

Once the “check out” button is pressed it will save the above information so that it can be calculated on the payments page. It can be designed so that once the button is pressed it calculates the total straight away, or it can just transfer the information on to the next page. It will also open the payments page where it will contain a summary and total of all of the above.

I would use xhtml and PHP to implement the design of this feature. PHP can be useful with its Session and Cookies feature too, for example so that it can remember existing users. A database created using SQL can be used to store the information entered into the fields.

Features...Continued 2

Jennie has came up with 7 features which I agree on and the allocated work load seems fair. I will be designing and creating the proceed to payment button which will be linking this to group 7s page. First thoughts are to maybe use php for recording all the information from the various text fields and drop down menus and also calculating the total ticket price.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Features Continued...

I have suggested the following which I have posted on the discussion board. I think it might be a good idea to each member of the group having separate sections, allowing them to decide on what to go into it.

Choose Event Name:
This feature allows you choose the event name you want to attend. It links to the event database which has all the event info below. This will contain name, location etc.
This feature allows you to search the event database
This allows the user to select how many tickets etc they want. Drop down menu?
Proceed to payment:
This feature allows the user to proceed after they have selected the event they want to attend. Maybe just a button?
Attending status:
This feature allows the user to select there status, attending, maybe attending or not attending Drop down menu?

We need to decide on any other features and how they are going to work. Seeing as there are 7 of us in our group, if we can think of two more features then there will be one each. Once we have done that need to decide on an overall layout. Within these sections the individual can decide on what buttons are needed and so on, but is that going to be too much work?

What does everyone think?


We basically now have to split up individually design features for the system. I am going to suggest that we stick to these original groups we did for the proposal:

Login/Register - Group 1
Event - Group 2
Payments - Group 7.

Each group will then split up the features between them. We need to decide as a whole group on the theme and remove any repeated features, however i do no think there is any. There will have to be a similar layout.

Monday, 5 February 2007

Consortium B Final Proposal...

I will be putting all the 3 parts of the proposal together and submitting it later on today. It has been hard doing this, this week because of the other assignments due in. I will be posting a final copy on the discussion forum before I submit it.

Friday, 2 February 2007

Implementation - Events Management Proposal

We have split up the tasks into pairs. I have worked with emily on the hardware and software aspect for the proposal including implementation too. This is what we have suggested:


For the creation of the features such as drop down menus selecting the events, quantity of tickets, type of ticket (child or adult), date/time (Calendar), storing events and designing a template layout of styles (fonts) we can use the below languages:

Xhtml/CSS – creating the basic site
PHP – recording sessions and user input.
JavaScript - Data Validation
SQL – Storing event recordings.

The overall theme for the software should be consistent through out the website including the navigation setup.


For the above we could use the following:

Text pad, Notepad
Dreamweaver – creation of buttons and forms
Oracle (SQL)
Any other available compiler for java. For example Netbeans or JGrasp.
Adobe Photoshop/Elements for editing of images and video clips.


We will have one server to store all of the above. It should have the following specifications:

Xeon Dual Core Processor 3200
2GB DDR2 RAM – to allow multi-tasking. For example allowing simultaneous modifications to the server.
500 GB Hard drive space – to store all the software.
Keyboard/Mouse – for user input.
Price range £200.00

Client machines will actually implement the software will include:

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 1.8Ghz
1 GB DDR RAM – to run the above programs
19inch Flat Screen Monitor – to view pictures/movies.
80 GB Hard drive space – to use for a temporary basis.
DVD RW optical drive
Network interface card (NIC) – connect to the server
256 Mb nVidia Geforce Graphics Card.
Keyboard/Mouse – for user input.
Price range around £450.00

The above specifications are only a guideline of what is required. In addition to the above depending on the amount of server and client machines, more networking components maybe required, for example routers and switches.

As mentioned above this is only a rough outline, it will depend on what we want to do later on.

Events Management Continued...3

I have suggested some ideas for the proposal and posted them on the discussion board. They are as follows:

Looking over the features that myself and Emily has thought of should be ok, our page we are proposing will be limited anyway. Maybe a few more suggestions?
As for the proposal, Looking back at the ones we did back in systems last year we could use the same headings:
User Requirements
Functions of the proposed system (Features)
Software (Implementation)
Test Data
Customer Support
Obviously we may not need all of the above, any suggestions? Then we can split the work into pairs again or any other means.

Thursday, 1 February 2007

Update on Events Management...

With the deadline coming up soon, we have still yet to get anywhere with this part of the task. I think this is mainly because of Systems and programming assignments due in on Monday. I have posted the below on the discussion board to see if any see what people's reactions are to it.

"I know everyone has been busy with programming assignment but we need to talk about how and when we are going to do this part of the task. If we decide on the features soon, we can split the work load and it should not be a lot between the 7 of us, but in doing so we need everyone to post ideas too."

I have been at an interview in Manchester all day today hence I have not had a look at this task, however I will see if there is any change to this tomorrow afternoon then take it from there.

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Events Management Continued...2

We have decided to work in our own groups, which should make it alot easier especially because I thought we worked well on last weeks tasks. The majority of people liked how I allocated the work split (from the people that replied), each group will now focus on their allocated section. I think this should make it more easier to work with now, then we can simply put all three parts together.

Within our group I have suggested we brainstorm what features we want on the page first, then take it from there as too what else we need to put in the proposal, for example implementation etc. Just a case of then splitting up the tasks again, I will recommend the way we did it last week, which was in pairs. Take it as it comes depending on the work load.

Events Management Continued...

A few people have started talking on the discussion board and like the idea of communicating mainly on the there. From the people who have posted threads they agree that the idea of splitting tasks into our original groups will work. I have also suggested the following:

We need to decide probably by the end of today what we are going to do. I suggest the following 3 sections.

* Login/Register Page:
Login feature for existing users, and to be able to register new users. So with basic features such as name, address, dob, email etc. Could be split over two pages.

* Events Booking Page
this will contain some sort of booking features, ie date, event, how many people, type of ticket etc.

* Payments page
obviously credit card stuff, invoice etc..

What does every one think to that? Then we allocate to each group and so on..
My msn is

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Proposal - Event Management - Attend

I thought it would be a good idea to get started on this as soon as possible, with the amount of work that is due in for next week. What I suggested is below, (forum):

Before we decide on who is doing what we need to decide on what has to be done. I don’t know about you guys but that lecture was abit confusing as too what we need to do, how ever I think I understand what is required.
For our part of it, attend event, we need to propose some sort of webpage or system which will allow us to ‘attend’ a future event. For example, a Football match. The site should allow us to

Select the match
Number of tickets
Type of ticket etc.

Once we have decided what features we want, we need to split up the tasks. I suggest we use our current groups and then divide the task individually.

We have to take into account all the financial aspects of it, how long is it going to take, how much etc.

We need to decide on an event and select the features it needs as soon as possible, then we can delegate the tasks. If we use this thread to brainstorm a few ideas at least we will have a starting point.

What does every one think?

For example:

Type of event
Payment methods
Contact info
Help sections

Im not sure if what I have said is correct, hopefully the rest of my group will have some good ideas. Once we have decided on the features and delegated the tasks, it should be ok.

Monday, 29 January 2007

Submission of first deliverables..

We are ready to hand our review and outline of the proposal in today. I think we have worked well together, but issues regarding how we communicate need to improve alot. Especially when not everyone can get access to the discussion board all the time, with other commitments. For the main the proposal, I think we will have to meet together becuase there is alot more work involved and the level of detail will have to be considered.

Saturday, 27 January 2007

Where we are currently...

We have got a few sections left to do, I have noted which they are on the site.
I have asked the rest of my group members to their parts which they have got left and I will put it all together and submit it on monday.

I think we are working well together, and we are on task. Communication tends to vary from day to day but I think this will improve we go along.

Friday, 26 January 2007

Review of Website + Proposal Continued...

I have decided to start the final templates for the review and proposal for other memeber of my group to add too, it will just be a case of submitting it later on.


The discussion board has been very useful especially in communicating with the rest of our group. It has shown that the work can be done, with out physically meeting up, which is an advantage with people having other commitments. It also gives us an indication of how other group members are doing too, which will enable us to resolve any problems any one may encounter.

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Review of Website + Proposal.

After deceding what each person would be doing, the next step was to carry out that part of the review. Myself and Emily had to compare with competing sites. I felt the best way to do this is to bullet point the similarities and differences then derive my recomendations from it for the proposal. I will be comparing my findings with emily's then come to an overall conclusion.

With their being an even number in the group I decided to look at how the site is implemented too. This was slightly trickier to do, especially with the question being rather vague. Looking at the site, it looked like it was poorly implemented but after researching into the company history there were reasons behind this. The had recieved alot of positve publicity regarding what they do and has decided to stick with it.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

First Thoughts...

I think this will deffinately be challenging the way we work but in a good way and give us invaluable experience for the future, especially during our placement next year.

Review of Website:

I suggested we split up into pairs and split the tasks up, posting our final findings on MyBu. With us having an odd number of people, I will be doing two parts of this task.